Monday, April 23, 2007

The Gagno Garge

I work at a garge in th village called Gagno Garge. Here are some of the the thing I do there and things I like

-I chage the oil

-I change the oil filter

-I clean the axel oil

-I make sure that the oil is not black

-I also check the tires are good they have to be at 30 or 35

- sometime change the tires

-I also get to broom

The things that I dislike are when there is no cars comeing so iam left with not a thing to do for hourse. I have broom but that does not take long that i dislike. you can find it at the bttom of st michel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make sure the oil is not black?!? That is by far the most racist and mean spirited thing I have ever heard, you should be ashamed of yourself. Whats next? MAking sure the Gas is not yellow? or tramission oil is not red? YOu make me ill.