Thursday, December 14, 2006

Kyle Resolutions

1. Get my drivers license and a truck.
2. Get a motorcycle.
3. Trade my bike in for a cr250r but need to save a little bit of $$$.
4. Score a goal in lacrosse.
5. Do a super long wheelie down the road.

1. Try harder in school.
2. Get my diploma.
3. Try harder in gym class.
4. Try to do better in homework.
5. Try not to fail.

1. Try to stop pollution.
2. They shouldn't use power plants anymore.
3. They should use water to make electricity.
4. Try to fix the ozone layer.
5. Breed more Chihahuas


1. Should stop hitting dogs.
2. Get a new bike.
3. Get your drivers license.
4. Attemped a backflip.
5. Do a 360 on your snowboard.

1. Get a new snowbaord.
2. Get your drivers license.
3. Do a 360 on your snowboard
4. Get a dirtbike man.
5. Hit a big huge jump on your board.

Mr. Oke:
1. Grow a beard man.
2. Grow long hair dude.
3. Get a snowboard so you can come with us.
4. Get skate shoes.
5. Buy a duck they're better than pugs man.

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