Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tyler's Resolutions

5 Personal Resolutions
1) I have to listen more.
2) I have to eat less.
3) I have to sleep more.
4) I need go to bed at 9pm.
5) I need to be less lazy.

5 Educational Resoulutions
1) I need to study more.
2) I need to be more awake in class.
3) I need run more in gym. 4) I need to bring more pens to class.
5) I would want to have a Mohawk Language class.

5 World Resolutions
1)They need to stop global warming.
2)They need to stop killing.
3)They should give out food for free.
4)They should make more PS3's.
5)They should find away to live on Mars.

1) He needs to grow his hair.
2) Grow a bread.
3) Grow a moustache.
4) Need to be the best.
5) Shave his eyebrows.

1)He needs to give me his Snowboard.
2)Needs money.
3)Needs to stop crying.
4)Kody needs a ipod.
5)He needs a PS3.

1)Needs a car.
2)Needs to smile.
3)Speak more.
4)Needs to be awake in class.
5) Needs to shower more.

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