Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The jump

this picture is all about me trying to run away from a big foot but it ran away before the picture was taken he's super fast man. and a midget came and tiped him now i know where he lives couse that midget or hobbit whatever you want to call it followed him. but on his way back he got attacked my chipmunks and was never seen again.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Day Of Monkey Went Attack Of The High School
The monkey walk in high school doors likes fronts and back of the school. The monkey goes in the lockers and go to the hull way and all the monkey go each door of the class room doors. The monkey bark down the doors and the teacher and the secondary teen be scary and the monkey be attack all secondary teen and teacher them. The monkey ties the secondary Teen and teacher`s on chairs and the monkeys be look like mad. The monkey put all the teacher in rooms together and all secondary teen are still in the class rooms and fronts of every class door one monkey are by the doors. The secondary teen are get out the chairs them are ties up everyone in high school and everybody who in high schools get out of the by one by one and every teen and every teacher and now out of the high school and but the monkeys jump on the teacher and not secondary teen and the teen run way from the monkeys.
Friday, May 18, 2007
I say that would be alot easyer for them to just give use the land. but no they would to make trouble. just so that it can make them look good. Some of the things they can say is that "we" gave back to canada. I think that they should #*&)! off.
Monday, May 14, 2007
a day at my job
One day when i was at work i thought i herd a noise coming from the door that i just came out of. So i turned around and unlocked it to check out whatever was in there and this monkey rat jumped on me and gave me a right jab followed with an uppercut and then he dropped kicked me i fell over with fear in my eye's as i knew it was the son of a man name jimbobby tomvandam Newman the 2nd.
I took of home to get all my guns couse i knew that the monkey rat would only get bigger as he drank water. As i returned to my job i saw a worker outside laying on the ground i ran over to him and asked what happend he said i fell over man oh shit ok your all good and he said yeah. As i was walking inside i saw his tail go around the corner.
I took of home to get all my guns couse i knew that the monkey rat would only get bigger as he drank water. As i returned to my job i saw a worker outside laying on the ground i ran over to him and asked what happend he said i fell over man oh shit ok your all good and he said yeah. As i was walking inside i saw his tail go around the corner.
monkey working
The work I walk in and I saw monkey work at the caffeine and the monkey cook the food and wash and rap the disher and the monkey did the crasher. The I work with the monkey and the monkey soon be nice and soon later the monkey be mean and the monkey are jump around in the caffeine.The monkey jump to place in the caffeine and I go the stooges room before the monkey was jump and flew disher around each monkey cath the disher to and I was come back to the stooges room and I walk in the door and I bring saffe back of the stooges room and I walk in the caffeine and I saw monkey jump around flew disher and near lunch time the monkey the hear kids come .The monkey are still like this mean and jump around in the caffeine and one the monkey fall the down on the ground. The monkey stop the safe they do and them was look around and them work again till at work and work was be finsh and monkey are still be mean and jump around in the caffeine at work was finshed us and monkey are jump around in the caffeine.
Friday, May 04, 2007
my awesome idea
Last night Kyle Brandon and i were outside at our awesome fire we made and there just happened to be a damn skateboard and ramp and a plywood put those things together and you have a crazy contpraption. I tried to go down on the plywood that was on the ramp and i crashed hardcore and got laughed at and went and had a sat by the fire
work was cool i got to use a chainsaw and cut down some tree's then we had to put up a fence. the i got to take one more tree out it was awesome. then we whent inside and had some cake it was good. all of a sudden a raccoon pop's out of nowear's and walks down the road. then i saw 2 chipmunks fighting and one pulled out a gun and shot the other one man and then he was runnin away and an bird got him then he was flying away and a bigger bird got him and he was flying away then a huge big ass bird got him then a hunter got that big ass bird and the little chipmunk hopped out and shot the hunter and that was it man.
At my work
At my work I rap the muffins and the cokkies and peat the poteos.Being seff in the stooges room and likes water, pates and other seff too and was and rap the dishes and bring the seff back to the stooges room. The I swpeet the floor and mop the floor sometimes too and I get the garbage out.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Garage Denise Durand
I work at Garage Denise Durande as a mechanice and I work on automobiles, it's located in oka on rue st. dominique and theres a big sign saying GARAGE DENISE DURANDE, you can't miss it.
- change oil
- change tires
- use awesome tools
- change gas filters
- change bearings
- change breaks
- use rotory lifts
What I like about my job.
- I like my job because I get to do alot of cool stuff and learn alot of things and how to fix cars. and it's fun.
What I don't like about my job.
- The things I don't like about my job is that I stand up all day.
- I don't like smashing my knuckles on metal.
my job is cool.
- change oil
- change tires
- use awesome tools
- change gas filters
- change bearings
- change breaks
- use rotory lifts
What I like about my job.
- I like my job because I get to do alot of cool stuff and learn alot of things and how to fix cars. and it's fun.
What I don't like about my job.
- The things I don't like about my job is that I stand up all day.
- I don't like smashing my knuckles on metal.
my job is cool.
work at cafetereaia
I work at the cafeteria at the schools and my job is help the chef at the cafeteria and I do at the cafeteria. I get self at the stooges room and wash and rap the disher and cut food sometimes and I put the deast in the bowls. I help the chef and swpeet the floor.
I learn to cook.
I mop the floor.
I get out garbage.
I peat potato.
I put box in restcest.
I likes my job is mop the floor and I wash and rap the disher and I get out the garbage and I swpeet the floor.
I dislikes my job is peat the potato sometimes and I box sometimes and I peat cartcia sometimes.
I learn to cook.
I mop the floor.
I get out garbage.
I peat potato.
I put box in restcest.
I likes my job is mop the floor and I wash and rap the disher and I get out the garbage and I swpeet the floor.
I dislikes my job is peat the potato sometimes and I box sometimes and I peat cartcia sometimes.
The Gagno Garge
I work at a garge in th village called Gagno Garge. Here are some of the the thing I do there and things I like
-I chage the oil
-I change the oil filter
-I clean the axel oil
-I make sure that the oil is not black
-I also check the tires are good they have to be at 30 or 35
- sometime change the tires
-I also get to broom
The things that I dislike are when there is no cars comeing so iam left with not a thing to do for hourse. I have broom but that does not take long that i dislike. you can find it at the bttom of st michel.
-I chage the oil
-I change the oil filter
-I clean the axel oil
-I make sure that the oil is not black
-I also check the tires are good they have to be at 30 or 35
- sometime change the tires
-I also get to broom
The things that I dislike are when there is no cars comeing so iam left with not a thing to do for hourse. I have broom but that does not take long that i dislike. you can find it at the bttom of st michel.
My Job
The place i work at is.
Onon:tokon Treatment Center.
My job is a.
Assistance Maintnance
.I work outside cleaning the grounds around the building.
.I Fix things that are broken.
.I rake,shovel,clean the drive way with a leave blower.
.I clean the floors,broom floors and clean offices.
I like this job becouse i find its fun and we get to go on trips to eat and go bowling and stuff man and they got some awesome food there. I would probolly take this job for my real job i like it.
The things i dont like about it are nothing realy just got to wake up to early and im to tired.
Onon:tokon Treatment Center.
My job is a.
Assistance Maintnance
.I work outside cleaning the grounds around the building.
.I Fix things that are broken.
.I rake,shovel,clean the drive way with a leave blower.
.I clean the floors,broom floors and clean offices.
I like this job becouse i find its fun and we get to go on trips to eat and go bowling and stuff man and they got some awesome food there. I would probolly take this job for my real job i like it.
The things i dont like about it are nothing realy just got to wake up to early and im to tired.
Monday, April 02, 2007
The moive
At the beging of the year me and jake ,kyle and kody made a moive. it was a plan film and then smokey came in with his mac. then we fixed it up we put muics and nose. and that is how we mad it better. smkey said that we are going to get the dvd copy of it on wensday but he never came to give it to us. he said that he would do the finesh tuoches on but he never came. so kyle put him in a pit of man eating pig and no one saw smokey agin. jocab was laghting when the pigs were eating smokey . jocab said that you should have gave us the dvd hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha.
spring is here now back off snow
man its awesome the snow is gone the mud is back and my dirtbike is out. i can finaly go riding now and i think there is gonna be some dude thats building a motocross track and marco dube is gonna help make it hes a pro rider from the cmrc (canadian motocross racing championship) i wanna go see how they make these its gonna be cool. i wanna hit a super big jump this year on that track that they are going to build. and the other day we bought a drum set its awesome but no awesome riffs yet. i will soon tho or i hope so. i wanna get as good as iron maidens drummer hes one crazy dude.

Last friday i got my drum set it's silver and it awesome. Using the foot peddle sucked at first because it was harder then hell to use so i got pissed of and played more until i masterd it. Last couple of days me and my bro kyle made our own little kick ass drum riff, it's pretty amazing and now i'm working on one more but it's not working for some strange reason.
I got the same drum set but it's does not have any black on it and it's a different make. It looks like just so you reading this right now you have an idea of what it looks like. OVER AND OUT.
The Draw For MP3 Player
The March 30 the draw for mp3 player and before noon we draw the tickets. The win tickets is Susan Oke won the draw for mp3 player on March 30 2007. This month is April after 3 day the draw was fished and last month was fished too. The time of the draw is before near noon time the draw was fished at noon time. The three daw this year different month and other two is 50/50 draw this for mp3 player was on march 30 last month.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
my trip to ottawa
my trip to ottawa was the best i got to see a lot of thing like gun they used in the sec world war. and i got to see tanks big ones. and i got eat the best food in the world ribs. and we also went to the mall in ottaw it was 3 story high. when we got back to the hotel i went to look around. then i went back to my room. and watch tv till 1 then went to sleep. the next day we went to some musem i can not spell. then we went home the end.
My March break
On my march break i slept in all the time and 3 days into my march break i went to my grandmas in onieda for acouple of days then i went to my brothers house in London Ontario for the rest of my March break. While at my brother house we went and saw monster trucks, and after that we went downtown in London and saw acouple of old guys fighting outside a bar it was cool, then on our way walking around downtown we talked to some hot chick and then went to play pool. On our way out of downtown we saw 2 more fights, one guy got sucker punched in the teeth by a bouncer and the other guy just got pushed out, then we saw drunk people slipping on ice all over the place. Acouple days after i met up with my cuz at the mall and then. The next day i went home.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Trip to OTTAWA
I am expecting to see all kinds of stuff in Ottawa like, the war musium and the works resturaunt. I aslo want to see Ottawa and what the place has to offer, I want to go to the musium of civiliation. We can't forget about the hotel with a wave pool, slide, hot tub, sana, and most of all my bed.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Where is the discover monkey
The monkey hide forever of reporter to find the monkey know to driver a car and use a computer. The monkey in a country some part in North America the monkey hide way of the reporter and the reporter want get a picture or film the monkey but monkey still hide way forever. The reporter still find them and the monkey runway in North America forever.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
In the morning I go to school and hang out for a little while. Looking around at the white snow blinding my eyes I blinked and looked away and smacked into the school bus door and got laughed at by Tyler and Kyle so I kicked them in the nuts. I walked on the bus and put my board down and sat down and put tunes on and try not to fall asleep. All kinds of crazy stuff happened on the way to Mont Avila, like a dude was walking down his driveway and a big ass bear came out of nowhere and ripped his guts out with a swing of his paw. Almost at Mont Avila a guy was getting chased by a cougar and he ran and fell over on ice and flew under the bus getting squished, and the cougar just smacked into the bas and it scared Tyler and he cried like a little girl. Finally at Mont Avila me Kyle and Tyler got out ticket and went up the mountain. We raced and Kyle won first, then Tyler, then me. The last race Kyle and I were battling for the lead, at the same time we punched each other and fell down. Tyler went flying by but only made it down half way, because a big sasquache type thing came out and grabbed him and bit his head off and threw him into traffic. Me and Kyle went to a burger king and got something to eat, when we were leaving Kyle got shot by a hobbit on a magic carpet 20 feet in the air. Then I ran away and got ran over by 20 ski-doo’s and one quad and a couple deer, moose, elk, and 3 elephants.
In the morning I go to school and hang out for a little while. Looking around at the white snow blinding my eyes I blinked and looked away and smacked into the school bus door and got laughed at by Tyler and Kyle so I kicked them in the nuts. I walked on the bus and put my board down and sat down and put tunes on and try not to fall asleep. All kinds of crazy stuff happened on the way to Mont Avila, like a dude was walking down his driveway and a big ass bear came out of nowhere and ripped his guts out with a swing of his paw. Almost at Mont Avila a guy was getting chased by a cougar and he ran and fell over on ice and flew under the bus getting squished, and the cougar just smacked into the bas and it scared Tyler and he cried like a little girl. Finally at Mont Avila me Kyle and Tyler got out ticket and went up the mountain. We raced and Kyle won first, then Tyler, then me. The last race Kyle and I were battling for the lead, at the same time we punched each other and fell down. Tyler went flying by but only made it down half way, because a big sasquache type thing came out and grabbed him and bit his head off and threw him into traffic. Me and Kyle went to a burger king and got something to eat, when we were leaving Kyle got shot by a hobbit on a magic carpet 20 feet in the air. Then I ran away and got ran over by 20 ski-doo’s and one quad and a couple deer, moose, elk, and 3 elephants.
A sad day for Kyle
It was nice day out side the sun was out the brides to. It was the day the school was going on a ski trip. But me Kyle and Kody are going snowboarding. Kyle side to Kody that he is going to beat me and Kody down the hill. But Kody has something in mind. 1h later we get to he slopes, we got our tickets and we went on the highest hill there.
Me and the twins raced down the kody was in the lead when kyle got mad and slapped kody the face and kody cried. Then Jake the teacher came out of the bushes with the girl from that freach I think it was called la bell province and slapped kyle in the face and kick him in the nuts. Kyle rolled down the legs over head. You can hear the bone sniping. Jake got scared and run back into the bushes. Then me and Kody went down the hill to see Kyle ripped apart body green bloody all over the snow. Kody was looking at his dead twin when a little kitte came and ate Kody I run scared for my life when I got hit by I snow ball when I look at who hit me it was kyle. When I side you are dead he look and smiled hit me with his board bloody splashed and the snow.
Me and the twins raced down the kody was in the lead when kyle got mad and slapped kody the face and kody cried. Then Jake the teacher came out of the bushes with the girl from that freach I think it was called la bell province and slapped kyle in the face and kick him in the nuts. Kyle rolled down the legs over head. You can hear the bone sniping. Jake got scared and run back into the bushes. Then me and Kody went down the hill to see Kyle ripped apart body green bloody all over the snow. Kody was looking at his dead twin when a little kitte came and ate Kody I run scared for my life when I got hit by I snow ball when I look at who hit me it was kyle. When I side you are dead he look and smiled hit me with his board bloody splashed and the snow.
the snowboarding trip
One day we were riding out in B.C and me, kody and Tyler were racing down the slope ahhhhhhhhhh a tree. Last one down had to jump in a pool outside and then role in the snow. So we all took different lines and we said we would meet at the bottom ahhhhhhh some dude CRASH. I was the 1st one down and kody was 2nd but no Tyler so we thought we would wait at the bottom but only for no one to show. So kody took a ski-doo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit a rabbit flipped him over and slapped him and ran away then he got up and said he would go and look for him and I said I would wait at the bar and I got some hot chicks phone#. Kody was gone for an hour or so he came back with Tyler and I was wasted. So they took me to my room shot me on the floor then both kicked me and left me there. Wile they went out to party in the bush with 2 other dudes then kody and Tyler kicked there asses and stole there money witch they both had $2000 on them.
The next day they woke me up and said we were going to buy new boards. We finally got to the board shop and we all picked out some kick ass boards and went to do some runs on the slopes and Tyler did this super big ass 360 over house and crashed super dum ass and rolled into some girls house broke the door down and got the shit beat out of him by 3 hot chicks. I tried and landed it then Kody tried and landed. then out of no wears a big stupid monster came out and ripped Tyler and Kody heads off and I screamed like a little girl and jumped into that house that Tyler broke and then the 3 hot chicks got killed then I got killed by a man eating rabbit and that monster went and killed every one on that hill.
The end
The next day they woke me up and said we were going to buy new boards. We finally got to the board shop and we all picked out some kick ass boards and went to do some runs on the slopes and Tyler did this super big ass 360 over house and crashed super dum ass and rolled into some girls house broke the door down and got the shit beat out of him by 3 hot chicks. I tried and landed it then Kody tried and landed. then out of no wears a big stupid monster came out and ripped Tyler and Kody heads off and I screamed like a little girl and jumped into that house that Tyler broke and then the 3 hot chicks got killed then I got killed by a man eating rabbit and that monster went and killed every one on that hill.
The end
Monday, February 19, 2007
shushi Tyler
i tryed shushi for the frist time. at frist i was lke i do not know, but then i tryed it a nd was good. it was rapped in sea weed with rice and samething. and i also put same hot saft on i think it was call wasbe. the tiwns try to and jocab.they did not like it. but if that all we had to eat, i would not go hugy. cause i would be eating shushi. i think that you should try it to it is good.
kyle's sushi time
the other day we went with our class to get sushi we got back to class and broke open the trey of sushi and tyler tried 1st he liked itried 2nd i dont like it at all never again. then kody tried he also didnt like it then jacob tried and he also didnt like it.
Last week in school my class went out for a field trip and on the way back we went and got shushi and headed back to school. Now at school we were in class and Tyler was the first person to try it and he liked it. Then it was Kyle's turn and he tried a tuna shushi thing and he almost threw up running to the bathroom. Then it was my turn and i ate one and i almost threw up and it sucked. Then Jacob tried acouple and i don't know. SHUSHI SUCKS!!!.
Jacob Sushi Reporter
The sushi have different types fish and something eles. The something we use put the sushi fish in something a bowl and get it out to eat the sushi fish. The sushi fish and only fish and someting else with fish.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Tuesday the 6th we had lacrosse try out's and we had to do push up's, sit up's and cross over's. The last thing we had to do was run for 25 minuts and that sucked. Tyler is a wuss because he couldn't come to school for 2 days because he is out of shape.
Find Discover Monkey
The group of India sentient discover monkey known driver a car and they known use a computer. All the reporter around the would to go India to get a picture or film it on the news and around would people see it on the news monkey now to driver a car or use a computer but monkey to discover it India sentient and the reporter known them lesions to driver a car and computer to.
Now monkey hidden runway from people. India sentient will find the monkey and bring them and put them in the zoo. Inida sentient hard to find them but still runway in the tree or car and airplane defferent place around earth and reporter will find them to get their picture and flim them to.
Now monkey hidden runway from people. India sentient will find the monkey and bring them and put them in the zoo. Inida sentient hard to find them but still runway in the tree or car and airplane defferent place around earth and reporter will find them to get their picture and flim them to.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Today in school i was taping the other dudes in class and the teacher. And i was taping tyler and kyle and i shut it off for aittle while.Then me and tyler were going to tape while he was in the bathroom and shoot stuff at him and then we got the camera taken away noooooo.
riding in the snow
yesterday i was ridiing my dirtbike in the snow at the brother down in the fields. its super fun you put it in 4th gear and go turning left and right spinning around doing donuts. but try not to fall its not fun you get snow down your jacket dude.
when i get my ski-doo fixed and out of the shop i wanna hook a rope on to the back and pull kody around on his snowboard or tyler. and i also whant to make a jump were you can do a rail slide. its gonna be awsome just not when you crash. this is also gonna be at the brother dow in those big huge feilds.
when i get my ski-doo fixed and out of the shop i wanna hook a rope on to the back and pull kody around on his snowboard or tyler. and i also whant to make a jump were you can do a rail slide. its gonna be awsome just not when you crash. this is also gonna be at the brother dow in those big huge feilds.
The weather
The weather is cold and the wind very cold. The templer is colder and the day sun with coldy. The maybe near tonight snow and Tusday maybe like the same weather or different the weather on Tusday and not sur about this weather on Tusday weather. not know of the number the tempper and maybe the weather like same on week.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
crazy lady
what i just readed was that there was a lady that speeding at a speed of 169 km/h. that is fast. she hit a guy and his car he was killed when his car went off the highway. she also had a little kid in the car he was just 7 yeas old. she is charged wth dangerous driving causing death and might face someother chardes. i smell a few yeas in jail. wo 169km/h that is fast shit.
I just finished reading the Gazette and i read a article about a woman who is charged with dangerous drivng, killing one man. The After the women crashed into the man his car flew into a highway median, he died instently. In the womens car a 7 year old boy was in the back going for a crazy death ride with the crazy lady.
marshall abrams
lacrosse starts
hi everybody today i am going to talk about lacrosse. On monday we have a team meeting so far i know of me my brother and tyler that is going. last years games were fun i enjoyed playing so im looking foword for this year. This year we are going to have a real team my old team and some other team is comming togather to make an awesome team. last year we had just enough players to make the a team i think we had 10 players. now we will have an offence and a defence line. so its gona be fun this year.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The winter have snow and ice and the winter sport. My fravitre part of the winter is the snow and the snow most very part winter. The winter kind sport or games likes is ice hockey, snow,board, ski, stake and snowshone winter have ice part sport. My fravitre sport is snowshose like walk snow.
the beaizzrd
2 days ago there was a snow storm. it was cool because the last cople of months there was no snow. even on the day that satan comes. but now iqam happy that there is 15cm of snow. it is great ceause now i can go snow borad now i went satarday and it was not as good. but now it should be good. up north they get more then us. the sesson of snow is good that mean the snowboards are going to have a good sesson.
winter sports
what i plan on doing in winter is snowboarding i might go this friday agin. Snowboarding is hard at first but when you get a hang of it its fun and easy. There are some crashes involved just like in any sport you do your going to get hurt sooner or later. the best sports i find are motocross racing,snowboarding,football and LACROSS! MAN. the thing i like about winter is everything winter is fun go to the slopes play around hit some jumps and other stuff like go ice fishing. and hang out on the ice with my familly aunty uncles cousins freinds. fin
I just read the story zippo and it's about a guy on a friday night at a pub and a girl walks by him and he looks at her and this kid throws petrol on him but the zippo won't light. it's a wierd story
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
The holldays was ok but it could have been better if there was snow. ithink the world is comeing to a end. the ice is melting and some aniamals are comeing to canada to live here. and the little squaers are geting fater because they are not sleeping one day they will be as big as cats we need snow in canada the govorment suck because they do not care about what cause they will not be were when the earth dies.
X-MAS Vacation
My x-mas vacation was awesome i got thor motocross boots, a video camera, a psp, and games for my psp. i mostly went riding in the trails and went to hit some jumps on my dirtbike because there is not alot of snow this year and it sucks. But i'm going snowboarding on friday.
The holday
The holday is good and the weather have a sometimes snow and rain. The holday Dcember 24 and 25 and is good and Decmber 25 weather have sunshine. The holday
Dember 29 is New year eve and the weather heave is snow and the New Year day the weather is snow.
Dember 29 is New year eve and the weather heave is snow and the New Year day the weather is snow.
my 2 weeks off
my vacatoin was cool man couse i got to sleep in and sleep some more. just not enough snow we need a lot more. over my vacatoin i whent to my moms house and had a turky dinner it was awesome. then a few days later i whent to my sisters house and stayed there a few days to. i also watched tito ortiz get his ass kicked by chuck liddel it was awesome man. also i saw forrest griffin get knocked out in the 2nd round god dam crazy man his foot was twitching and every thing.
a couple days ago we re-made an awesome jump in the pines it great you can get about 6 feet hight and do a no hander it's fun. Then when w had snow i drove my dirtbike around in a field super funand thats abot it for me oh yeah and for new years i shot my guns off a 300 savage and a 12 gage shot gun it was pretty cool man.
a couple days ago we re-made an awesome jump in the pines it great you can get about 6 feet hight and do a no hander it's fun. Then when w had snow i drove my dirtbike around in a field super funand thats abot it for me oh yeah and for new years i shot my guns off a 300 savage and a 12 gage shot gun it was pretty cool man.
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